Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Are we stupid or something. We give ourselves work. We could go to a farmers market and buy the veggies but NO we want to do our own thing.
Today David and I made 3 rows in the garden. Not planted, mind you, Just pulled up.
Whew that is a job.
As I said, our field is now mowed but the grass is still lying all over. It  is not just grass, it is wheat, Oats, Clover and something else cows eat. I cant think of the name of it right now.

So as I walk out to check the lines, to see if they are cut again, What do I SEE?
A Snake in the Grass. Dang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Double Dang!!!!!!!! That makes my skin crawl. He was about 4 feet long and just lying there. Thank  God I looked down or my Heart would have given out, had I stepped on him. (next step was snake step)
Dang I hate snakes.

I am sure he was a gopher or rat or something safe snake but to me there is no safe snake, I always squeal or scream and ALWAYS jump. BACK!!!!!!!!

So we are set now for a garden, the pool needs clearing up and unfortunately we must take samples to Guiton, They always help us cl;ear it up but the (other company) did very little this year.
We do need about 60 lbsof salt but that is when payday comes.

Oh the Oven is fixed. It was the ignitor. Next time I install it and save $85.

I am so tired of expenses,
 Can I  run away?
But to where? No one wants me and if I run away, I want to hide out for a long time.
It is always something.
We have a dripping faucet (by the orchard)  and I am not saying who put it on but it is slightly askew.
Yeah, when I feel like it I will take it off and rework the threads.
Did I say, I want to run away?
We have to repair the pipe to the pool fill line. Yeah it has been off a long time.
Ken asked "why?"
I said, After three times putting it on wrong and someone I love letting go of an expletive as he rounded the corner two years ago, I siad, "Lets cap it off"
So it has sat for two years.
Now the line to the Salt generator leaks slightly.
Darn I want to GO GO GO.
But if I go, It will still need doing.

For something sweet and upbeat see the photo.


Anonymous said...

what photo?

Kris said...

I saw a dead rattler at the race next to my car.