Saturday, May 18, 2013

Garden ALMOST in

I have a few seeds to plant, However I dread seeing the inevitable gopher or mole that pulls the plant through the ground and leaves a hole. They are so horrible but this year they get a dose of Hot pepper flakes and Tabasco sauce.
Maybe I can save my garden from them.
We had rain last night, it was the kind that makes you want to lie down and sleep, sleep sleep.
And I did.
I think I am getting my kale and spinach too late. We shall see, if we keep having warm days and cold nights we are OK.
I planted Kale for Gwena because she loves it.
Spinach for me because I need it.
Okra for whom ever.

I found the cutest swim dress at walmart and wouldn't you know, It is Sold out. I wanted several in various colors but NO it is not to be, not even on line.
I can run around the house in it and I appear to be wearing a short sun dress but since I jump in the pool when I get hot, It is also a swim suit.
Oh well cant have it all.

I will keep on looking though. Sheri, check out the local wal mart there, and Shelle do the same. I need more. I will try to attach a photo but it is on under ladies swimwear.


Mashelle said...

I have looked on line at the swim dresses (there are 6) I don't know which one you were thinking about. let me know and I will look around here plus I need your size. :)

David/Sue said...

medium, but thank you so much, I have one LARGE and it is baggy in the hiney, I still wear it, I will find something else. Hopefully. But Medium is my size 8-10 ir 10-12, according to the cut.