Tuesday, November 19, 2013


OK David is asleep under his cover, The sable one Ken and Kris bought him. I am wondering if I am hungry. Yes we had left over roast for something. Sandwiches or hot on potatoes or just nothing.

We were to show the house today, They never showed, They never called, So here we sit thinking,

1. "What happened to common courtesy?"

If you want to know what that is, Ask my children, That was our requirement of them when they were growing up and developing their own sense of life.
Show common courtesy.
OK I said, "Ask them"
So I won't tell  you.

Well in this instance,  a phone call would have been nice.

I am not sleeping well lately but that is not new for me. I just deal with it.
Take an aspirin for the aches and pains and hope they go away.
OH YEAH, my BP is running normal low again.
Yea Yea, Yea, Thank you Doctor for changing my meds.
Now when I have my blood test, I will know if I have too much potassium or not enough or what ever they are checking.

You know I saw something last night on Facebook that was so so so not necessary.
One young lady posted about
"the family falling apart. Two houses for TG this year and everyone has to decide. Why cant we just all get together and say Thank you to each other."
HUH?????????????? Did she really say that?
Did she really air the dirty laundry for the world to see? Not Good.
Sometime it is impossible to get together, That is why holidays can be on the following day or weekend or whenever or you could  just pick up the phone and say "Hello"

I wanted to respond but my thoughts were not pure enough. Why??? because I can not tell you.

Not my responsibility to tell her, Let her grow up and find out for herself.
My thoughts to each of you are. We do not want anyone to feel obligated to spend time with us, when they are busy or developing their own traditions.
Above all else we want to stay understandable to their needs and we expect the same for us.
That may just go along with my first question,  (see number 1 above.)

But on that note, that is one of the homes we are invited to, Do we go or do we not?
Ken and Kris have to work the next day (after Thanksgiving)  and the day before and 6 beautiful children make it difficult to travel. We understand.
However if we do not make a trip on Monday, We MAY go on Thursday. Never know what we will do.

Oh the other home you ask?  Well lets just say, I want to say,  No!!!!!!!WAY!!!!!!!
(for your information, No I will Not be rude, Not rude but determined)
I guess I laugh about that one as it is NOT going to happen.
Home number 2 is pushy to me and I do not push easily. She is not fond of me and some or one of my children and 4 of my grandbabies, and has never been kind, (artificially Yes,  but not real)  I put up with it for 20 plus years and putting up is OVER.
I looked over, I pacified, I tried to tell them, I tried to tell them just how special she was, How she could be a friend but not one that bar hops. How she comes from a different raising and different world. She looks through Rose Colored Glasses.
She has always been a girl any Mom or Dad  would be happy to have.

 For 20 years I did this, I tried to stay neutral.
Staying neutral was a bad thing to do to my Baby.  I should have walked a LONG time ago but my heart has so much compassion for the less fortunate, (as in no real friends)  I had to be a friend.
I will NEVER forgive myself. I just know she forgives me and that is what matters.

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