Monday, June 14, 2010


I was overly concerned about my strength. I know I am tired a lot. Too much.
I told my Cancer Doctor, " I look at my pool and think, I am not going to feel like swimming,
Let alone swim the length (40 feet) on the bottom of the pool.


It usually takes me a few weeks or all summer to work up to that. But I was determined to swim and get some strength back.

Today I spent a lot of time sleeping and cold.
Finally I said, "Get your hiney out of here and go to the pool and soak in some sun."

I listened to myself and felt so much better.
David came home, and joined me. He is now cleaning the filters after vacuuming the pool.

But I had to let you all know,

I can hold my Breath a LONG TIME.
At least one minute.

In case you don't know, Heart patients lose lung strength. I have not, I have built mine up.
I also have determination , This cancer is GONE. I am going to be strong.
I am Determined.

1 comment:

Grandmas Post said...

I knew you could do it and you are right I was praying for you. Have been concerned bout myself and you gave me someone else to pray for. Sue I dont want to let my family down by not praying for them and just try to understand that I get really scared sometime.