Monday, June 14, 2010


Peace is not a smooth, untroubled river.
Beneath a sunlit sky, serene and warm...
The Peaceful Heart is like a trusting songbird
Who clings to hope and sings throughout the storm.
And the Peace of God, which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7
Some storms are hard to sing through.
However if you keep your eyes on Jesus, Peace will follow.
I think of Nola DonCarlos singing.
I sing because I'm happy,
I sing because I'm free,
His eye is on the Sparrow,
And I know he watches me.
Nola had a high pitched soprano voice and She LOVED the Lord.
She led children's choir on Sunday Morning and she always sang with them.
A little Bird with a Yellow Bill,
Hopped upon my window sill,
Cocked his shiny eyes and said,
"You're a little sleepy head.
I rubbed my sleepy eyes and said,
"Who's a little sleepy head?"
He flapped his wings and away he flew.
Singing "You'll be late for Sunday School."
I just loved Children's Church.
they were so in Love with their little parts in worship service.
We have so many stories to tell of those mornings.
One day, Nola had all the children close their eyes to pray.
(The children were all standing by the alter facing the crowd)
They had finished their songs and now it was time to pray.
As each child bowed their head, and closed their eyes, One child wanted to see what was happening.
He opened one eye and looked all around the church with one eye.
That child was mine. Ken.
Every adult was laughing so hard but enjoying the show.
On one occasion we had fake flowers by the alter.
Doug, a good friends child, decided to
smell the roses.
He turned and began visibly and loudly sniffing the artificial flowers.
It was so cute and engraved memories on our hearts. No photos were necessary.
Our hearts carry these treasures.
Sheri was our daughter,she was a walking doll.
One day I was not thinking, We were all discussing her cute dress.
when suddenly I showed them her Rumba Panties, (White Lace covered panties).
I guess she assumed it was acceptable as she then went around behind me to pull my dress up and show my panties.
Good for a laugh but never did I show off her cute panties again.
So in all our trials, if we can just sing and live with this promise,
The sparrow, the tiny sparrow is even watched.
God knows when it falls to the ground.
Surely he knows when we need a hand up.

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