Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Lawn Chair Dilemma

I wondered when it would happen. I am glad it happened to me, rather than my neighbor.
I had just invited her over for a swim, but she was preparing for the Fair.
So I go out all alone, having a pity party. I had no one to talk to. I picked up the phone, thought I was dialing Roy, but dialed Nic instead. I tried to figure out whose voice I heard and realized it was Nic when I fell through my lounge chair.
Yep, fell through the bottom.
They are five years old and pretty weathered. I may add they were not cheap. Like $100 each.
I have noticed last summer and this one, the fabric, while looking solid, was looking water stained and well used.
So I sat down, and fell through.
(David wanted to know how much I had to jump on it to make it break) Silly David.
Honestly I just sat and fumbled around for the phone and sun screen. That was it.

So what did I do? I walked to the garage, got my trusty tool box, with sockets and proceeded to take five screws out. That was not necessary. I thought they were helping hold the fabric on but NO they were holding the frame together.
I examined the entire chair again when I realized, the fabric was slid into the channel with a filler of round tubing.
I was elated, I can recover this. I CAN.
So today I have my measurements and LO AND BEHOLD,
Joann's ad features "Sun and Shade" Outdoor fabric at 70% off.
I can pull the channel out of the fabric for a guide and in one day I can have a new chair.
I have taken before, during the process and I will take after photos.(Gonna be beautiful and colorful)
Keep your fingers crossed. This is a new journey for me, Recovering Lawn furniture.
The frame is solid metal, Heavy metal, so I will NOT dispose of it and start new. Now I can have the color I want.
I am thinking, Brights, maybe stripe, Maybe Blues or Reds and Even Yellows. The color palette is endless and I get to choose.
Say it , YEA MOM or YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

1 comment:

Nana said...

Kewl Beans. Can't wait to see what you choose... Remember my bag, Peaches.... Cruise in Sept.. LOVE YA>