Monday, June 03, 2013

Here We Go.

I do not know where but somewhere, anywhere, but out of here.
Na just kidding.
 David needs (wants)  to go to Red Bluff,  he is too TIRED to do that. He is dragging.
I am begging him to wait, wait, wait.
Tomorrow will come and then he may feel better, We tried to get outside work done but we wore out before noon.

I did replace a broken sprinkler in the middle of the yard. YEA ME!!!!
He sharpened one hoe, then another then he tried something else. He could not get into anything constant.
I had to run to the post office and nursery and he wanted to come along. Great, I really mean it, I am glad. At least I was not wondering what he was trying to do at home.
By the time we began to come home, his voice went weak, he said, "I am going home and take pain med,"
Then the phone rang, Joe has books ready for him.
I tell him "NO you need to rest, let the books wait."
He is right now pacing the floor, in pain and wanting to cancel his trip to Red Bluff. I think he may just go lie down.
 I think I may just join him.
My worry transcends to exhaustion.
God knows how much I love  him, how my heart aches when I see  him suffer, How I want him to be able to relax, I mean totally relax.
He just can not, He in turn worries that I do too much outside, (like crawling around the broken water line, and digging in the mud)
He can not do that kind of work and I can, NO BIG DEAL to me.

OK time to rest, he has cancelled his trip and now he is downing the pain med.
"Good Boy", I say.
NOW Rest my sweet, Rest and free from pain.

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