Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lest We Forget

K love is running a contest to see what your Father taught you.What are your memories?
What did he teach you?
As I lay there, talking to David, half asleep, half awake, I said, "11 years and 12 days I do not think he had a lot of time to teach me."
Suddenly his face came into my minds eye, (that is where the most beautiful photos are)

My vivid memories taught me a lot.
1. First one, he was standing at the door, in khakis white shirt and smiling proudly as he announced the birth of Jeanette, our baby sister, (Whom I miss terribly)

2. He had his arms wrapped tightly around my Mom as she struggled with life and problems. I saw all this.

3. I see Daddy and Mama as they come home from the hospital, They are walking down an old dirt road holding hands. I do not know how long Mama was gone but we stayed with Uncle John Henry Brown family.

4. I see him weeping as he sees injustice. Daddy hated to see someone mistreated. Even on television.
especially in 1955 or 1956 when the small town went up in arms against Integration.

5. I can still see his defiance as we went shopping in Pine Bluff and they took our hands and led us across picket lines, Men were yelling at us, but Daddy had one phrase, "All Men are Created Equal"
This was the time they took the bar stools out of Woolworth's to keep the blacks from being served.

6. I still remember him looking at me and saying., "Carolyn Sue, If I see your feet off the floor, Your knees not together  like that again, I will throw my shoe through you."
Yeah he meant it, I never forgot.

7. It is OK to stand up for your beliefs even if a minister is sitting in your house condemning every thing you do, and it is OK to make him leave.

8. He taught me to Never, Never stop having Faith in God.
Until the day he died, he believed God had healing in store for him, We went to Texas, then  to Louisiana to healing revivals,  and he sat in front of the Television, (using it as a "point of contact") and reaching out for healing.
Healing he received at the age of 42, when he quietly passed away, at home, sitting in his favorite chair, holding onto Mamas hand. Mama trying to pull him back to her. 

So to narrow it down,
 Be Proud,
Love unconditionally,
Do not be ashamed to shed a tear
Stand up and be Counted,
Be a Lady,
Mostly Have faith in God and Never quit serving him.

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