Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Call it

Call it what you want but it can not change what it is.

Call it what it is.

My prayers are with my Son and Children.
 I slept pretty good last night but to face
 my daily grind is difficult.
 I want to be there for Ken and the children,
Their youthful years are  precious few, then they become adults.
Influences in youth can change the outlook of adults.
I pray these are not hurt by the changing events in their life.
What is ???? Doing?????????????
Where is God in all this??????????

We see evidence of it every day, Every minute, Every phone call.
We know we tried to lead our children in Gods path. Make mistakes?
Yes we did, but we tried to stay Godly in all our choices.
Tried I said, I did not say we did.

But Call it what it is.

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