However I can not scream what is inside me, It lingers at the back of my mind.
IT often makes to the front and I spill over.
Last night I just went to bed early.
Today is a driving day and a sad day and a Happy Day.
Thank you Caylum for making a bad day into a positive day.
So now I wonder do I move my fanny and get dressed or go like I am , In David's silk shorts and a tee shirt or do I dress appropriately?
Well all I CAN do is hit the wrong key too fast and here I go misspelling loads of words, Even the was wrong.
I did get the yards mowed. edged blown off and the limbs raked.
I did get to empty the pool skimmer at least a dozen times.
In case you think it is the one on the side, think again, It was the one that catches all the muck from the bottom of the pool when you vacuum.
Now I have to clean the filters.
David helped all he could. He did push the vacuum with his left hand and did some of the edging.
Then I cut a huge tree off the side of a tree and we tried to pull it out of the yard. (it was a dead side to our flowering pear)
Nope not going to do that, I was pulling with all I had and found myself horizontal with the yard.
I then cut it into 4 pieces so it was manageable.
SHASTA DAMN!!!!!!!!!!
I am too tired to do this any more Ken, Get this house sold at any cost.
I want out.
However I must add, that two hours out there seemed like an 8 hour day. I did try to think positive and pray and sing as I mowed but I had no song in my heart.
Today I wake to David fretting over the books. He has to quit that job. HE HAS TO.
Just using the keyboard is torture for him.
He says NO I CANT. And he may be right, IF he stops using his brain, it will shrivel up too.
Just as he has in the last year. He is down to 184, his face is emaciated. His right shoulder is gone and he is Miserable.
If he is miserable, then so am I.
So Miserable Us need to shower and pack.
Not leaving as soon as we thought. Should be there by 3.
In time to think of feeding dinner to 6 munchkins.
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