Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy Birthday Ki Ki and Much More

What a blessing we had today, Visiting and laughing and playing with the little Ken McLemore family.
I said Little Family of 6 children.
Yes their hands are full but their hearts are more full or fuller or whatever is correct.
I am so  proud of those kids, They take it all in stride and Thank God for their babies, and take time to go over school work with them. Jarod is doing good in Math this year. He is our Break dancer and jokester and whatever else. He is the life of the party.
He had to tell a joke for KiKi's birthday and dance a little.
He is so, so, so, sweet. Yes, Sheri he does remind me of Gavie.
And Jarod is taller than me, He has taken a growth spurt and he is about an inch taller. And Yes that is over 5 foot. I told him, He could grow more by his  birthday and he and Gavie could be the same or close. He thinks they could be twin cousins (if they had the same birthday instead of 9 months apart)
I must agree, They are so similar.
Evan designed a couple of games on his computer, they are minor but he did it and that is amazing.
We began 20 questions with Evan, What are you doing when you get out of school, who is paying your bills, who  pays the rent, who buys your gas, who buys your insurance, Who are you marrying, How many kids, What kind of car and how will you pay for it."
He smiled and said, "I  got one of those questions, I am getting a Flex, something "and then he explains what it does and what year it will be and all details, but no answer as to paying these bills. Yes Kids have NO IDEA.
Cay got 24 1/2 out of a possible 22 on a math test, Imagine that. Kind of fell in LAS but he will be fine. He had an off day. We had to remember to say, "Good Job" instead of "Hey why not an A?"
You can begin to expect too much.  I have been there and done that with Ken. When an A- showed up we would  say, (Kidding of course), "You are kidding, Where is the A?"
Kiara is the Princess and sweet and loves to sing. I  taught Leila how to write to 100, in a matter of 5 minutes, It is simply number association. She got it and was so proud.
I recall showing Dylan the same technique as I did with my own children.
Kiki  turned 4 today and inhaled a Trash can burger,(Not sure of name) It had everything but the kitchen sink on it. He inhaled it and one more. That is bigger than he is.
Gift time was fun. w got him a "Darth Tater" It is a Mr. Potato Head with Darth Vader and R2DTater and something else he can make. It looked like a lot of fun. I am sure you can find it on Google.
As he opened it he goes OHHHHH and smiled. But back to other gifts as he had 5 sets of hands helping.
We had a great day which ended with a stop in Chico at Krispy Kreme and a cup of coffee. I needed it for the ride home. Coffee that is, and I am still wound up. Too much.
No I did not order decaf as I was too tired to buy decaf, I needed the boost.

Now I can sleep in tomorrow and then the house work starts. Lots of cleaning and mopping and general upkeep.
I need to get donations ready. I need to purge this house.

I am missing Jeanette. It has been 3 years and her memory is as fresh as the day she left me.
Some days the tears seep out. Some days I am thankful she is resting.
3 years ago it was Jeanette, Two years ago it was Rodney and this year it was Edward.
You never know who you will lose so make each day count.
I am sorry I did not call Ed more but he was such a loner and I was always unsure of his reactions on calls. My fault and my error and my loss.
I pray he is resting in peace.
However I want that autopsy, I want to know how he died. And where was his face?  Lots of questions. No answers and he has always been a mystery to me. I know he was so hot headed and so disturbed but he had so many tortures to tear at his heart and mind every day.

I talked to his Beautiful Daughter last night for 4 hours, I adore those children and I never knew the hell they lived in, I wish I had known, I know I would have put my big mouth out there and tried to save them. But I did not and I feel as if I failed children I love so much.
But someone tell me, How do you do that, How do you step in and stop the abuse? How? How? How?
Because no one helped, the "Cat was in the Cradle"
With my  talks to my Francis, I know she is OK. I tell her things I probably should not, but why NOT?
She needs to know her Dad was not always the bad guy. Something happened. But What?
Did Love let him down? Did Life let him down, He was a successful business man with lots of homes being built, When I think of what could have been, I am sick for his losses.
Boats, Houses, Beautiful Homes, New Cars, Everything but a happy home life.
Loss of family, son was killed,  Business failed. He failed in life and love.
Maybe no one could help. Maybe it was fate.

 So back to us, this is going on here.
David is saying, "Honey I think I will freeze to death in the south. I do not know what is wrong with me, I was inside Saturday and suddenly  I was shivering from head toe. It scared me, so I went out into the sun and warmed up."
I tell him, "We will buy lots of fleece and wool and warm clothing"
Yes, when I came home, here he is raking leaves, and mowing, (with the tractor).
Of course I had to join in, I hopped on the tractor and began helping. Of course, I forgot to find my "OFF "switch and I was going and going and going until  I looked up and he was dragging.
Suddenly I parked the tractor and took his hand. I said, "It is time to Stop"
Imagine when   he did not even argue.
HUH?? what is with that? No disagreeing with me.
We go in, shower, put a "Digorno" in the oven and I sit down, Suddenly I walk to the kitchen and it is raining. Every leaf we had cleaned off our manicured lawn had been hauled away but the tree (standing proud and red) dumped more leaves and the beautiful Lawn was again covered. I began to laugh, He said, "What is so funny?"
I said, "Rain and Leaves"
Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

I am saying, "Lets hit tomorrow head on and get a lot done, He can clean the pool and I can clean the house"

1 comment:

Sheri said...

Ooh I love autumn rains so much!