Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It is Spring/ Today

Hey Joe and Nic, I need you. LOL
Just kidding, you guys have your own life and you need not worry about us. The work is getting done. Slowly but getting there. Lee offered to come over and do any Man's work I needed .  I smiled as I do not know what mans work is. I thanked him but was at a loss as to a need.
I guess he could plow the garden up for me. We will need a garden this summer.

 However I am taking our gas blower and throwing it as far as I can.
I Can not start that Dang thing. I am going out to buy an electric. I am just better with those.

David can not get his right hand up to his mouth to feed himself, He is working hard to learn to use his left hand. I cut his food up for him. I have to watch though, He needs to sit closer to his plate.
As he picks up his spoon and heads to his mouth the food falls off.
I told him, "See you should have let me buy that tall dining table and chairs"

But no problem of him  eating, I keep handy food around. In fact as I left for work on Saturday he asked me to cut him two (2) pieces of cake for later. I did. He ate it too.
And he is whining about gaining weight. Wonder why?

And he still wants to stay in Arkansas and Oklahoma for 5 weeks.
My friends, that will be the last of me. No not really, but driving is not something he can do now. NONE at all.
That puts the miles on my legs and back. He will sleep.
Oh It will be fun and we always make long trips interesting but not sure how this will work out.

One day I hear "No I really don't want to stay that long, I rather go to Washington for a few days.."
I wait as I know tomorrow he will come to me with the alternative.
Always an alternative.
And it came, While shopping yesterday he said, "I know I will make you mad but I want to go  to my reunion"
Oh Dang, What next? I just smile and say, "No I am not mad" But inside I am thinking, "Lord has he forgotten it is an extra 1600 plus miles, that I will be driving?"
If we do not, he will always regret it, and I may always regret it.
If we DO I am not sure what will happen.

I am much too tired to think on this tonight. But tomorrow is another day.

And I am tired, I mowed and picked up limbs from half an acre today.
 I guess we will call and find someone to do that work too.
I was dragging myself across the lawn by days end.
And by days end I mean 2 O'clock.

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