Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Dollar of Christmas

The year 1957, My Mama had more money to go around. That year she gave each of us kids 50 cents or a dollar. I  cant quite remember. I do however recall the store we shopped.
 Herndon's 5 and 10 cent store. (or called The Five and Dime)
We go in with our loot and spend lots of time looking for just the right gift. One of us got her a cedar box with Sheridan Arkansas printed on it. Another got her a bottle of "Evening in Paradise" cologne.
That fragrance came back to me in 2002.
That was a trip of a lifetime for me. It was almost the end of my life, but that is another story.
We were in the Bobby Vinton Theater and gift shop.
Lots of Red Rose buds were being bought to hand to him as he sang, "Roses are Red"
Of course I bought one and took it to him and got a kiss. No I did not swoon but my heart was racing. LOL
Then I sampled his fragrance. "Blue Velvet"
Oh MY that was an exact copy of "Evening in Paradise."
I kept saying "I know this fragrance, I know it from many years ago,"
The clerk looked at me and asked what was it. Finally it hit my brain,
"That is a fragrance from 1957, called in Evening in Paradise" OH My goodness how the memories flooded my mind.

So tonight we watched "A Dollar For Christmas"
The Dad only had a $ dollar saved for the holidays and it was put on a mantle so each of 5 children could take what was needed to buy a gift for the name of the family member they drew.
Yeah!!!! I cried most of the way through it.
David came in from his shower just as one of the older boys wrapped up a used baseball glove for his younger brother. He had used linseed oil and made it like new again.
Suddenly I hear sobbing coming from his chair.
All I could decipher from his sobs were,
"Coy always did that, He wrapped up old things for everyone in the house for Christmas. Usually an old pocket knife or something he could or would give up"
More tears fell as we discussed our Christmas Past.

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